Shippensburg Food Resources
Community Meals: Community meals are FREE and you do not need to register or RSVP. Just show up! During the pandemic, all meals are drive-thru or grab-n-go. Meals are first come, first served. While the churches try to make enough food to feed everyone, due to the increase in participants, churches are doing their best to meet the need. Please be understanding about changes or smaller meals as they try to serve everyone.
Are you in need of emergency food assistance? ​
Shippensburg Produce & Outreach (SPO): SPO can provide emergency food boxes. Contact them at 717-477-9100
Oasis of Love Church has emergency food boxes available by appointment only. Call 717-532-5112
Circle of Love provides necessities, clothing, and food. Call 717-372-1112 for more info or visit their Facebook
Need Help Accessing Food Resources? Want to volunteer in any way? Please contact Jami Burkett, at or 717-477-1961
Thank you to all the churches and organizations that continue to provide food for our community!
Community Meals: various organizations provide free evening community meals for anyone in Shippensburg. At this time, most are still grab-n-go meals. See the calendar below for all the community meals' locations and times.
Shippensburg Area School District Meals: Students MUST sign up for free or reduced lunches this year. Information will be available at each school.
Hound Packs: During the school year (not in the summer), any child (through 12th grade) living in the SASD can receive a free bag of food for over the weekend. It includes 6 meals to last until school begins on Monday. If your child is homeschooled, attending school remotely or going to a private school, we will work with you to receive your food bag. Questions? Contact their school counselor or Jami at or 717.477.1961
Register HERE
Shippensburg Produce and Outreach (SPO) Food Pantry: Every Tuesday from 3:30 - 6 pm at 130 S. Penn St. Food is packed in boxes for people to pick up in "drive-thru." They are accepting new intakes. For more info:
Diaper Bank is the 1st Tuesday of the Month.
Personal Care Items is 1st Tuesday of the Month
Food Boxes are every Tuesday
Circle of Love: In need of clothing, food, or basic necessities? Call Circle of Love at 717-372-1112 or visit their Facebook page to learn more HERE
Senior Center Meals and Meals on Wheels are still operating. For questions, contact Diana Nazario at
Summer Learning Program: Summer Learning Program: Free Breakfast and Lunch over the summer, Monday to Thursday. Breakfast is served from 8:30-9:00 am and Lunch is from 11:30 am- 12 pm. This is an open site for the Summer Food Service Program and any child 18 years and under can receive a meal. No registration is required. Children who are entering 1st-12th grade are welcome to attend our Summer Learning Program from 8:30-12:00 pm. The program is free but registration is required the first day they attend or online. For more information, CLICK HERE.
January Calendar of Community Meals & Resources:
February Calendar of Community Meals & Resources: