Match Madness

Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition has been given a unique opportunity!
Are you looking for ways to increase your support of SCRC? Match Madness has the answer!
SCRC is excited to participate in this year’s Match Madness campaign! The Partnership for Better Health, The Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation, WellSpan Health, M&T Bank, and Penn State Health and Highmark are offering up to $150,000 in funds that will be matched by YOUR individual donations.
To donate online CLICK HERE
Mail Donations to:
Partnership for Better Health
274 Wilson Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Check Payable to: Partnership for Better Health
In Memo: Match Madness/SCRC
Thanks to the Partnership for Better Health, The Josiah W. and Bessie H. Kline Foundation, WellSpan Health, M&T Bank, and Penn State Health and Highmark, we have the opportunity to increase all gifts made to the SCRC during March! The first $1,500 will be matched dollar for dollar and monies donated beyond $1,500 will increase by tapping their $150,000 stretch fund.
Your generosity will directly improve our community members' lives by ensuring that we provide quality social services and youth programs that are accessible and safe and recognize each person's dignity and worth. By contributing to this year’s Match Madness campaign, you will support our mission to raise funds for SCRC's Youth Programming which includes our Youth Food Security Programs: Hound Packs and Summer Learning Program. These programs help provide meals when school is not in session on the weekends during the school year and during the summer months to students experiencing food insecurity. Other youth programming includes our School Youth Programming which includes Grey Matter, Youth Advisory Council, Leaders-In-Training, and our Healthy Decision Making Group. CLICK HERE to support SCRC's Youth Programming and invest in Shippensburg's future!
For questions and more details, contact Liz Fisher, SCRC Chair, at 717-477-1365 or eafish@ship.edu or the SCRC Coordinator at 717-477-1961 or coordinator-scrc@shipresources.org. Thank you for your generosity!