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Kindness is defined as "the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate." Genuine kindness expressed through daily living has the potential to change lives by making individuals feel cared for. The #BeKind movement brings awareness of the importance of kindness in everyone’s lives during November 10th through 16th. #ShipBeKind encourages the Shippensburg residents to carry out acts of kindness in our community.


The Be Kind date was changed from the month in February to a week in November. 


We are pleased to collaborate with the Shippensburg Area School District and encourage SASD students to Be Kind to one another. SCRC collaborates with the middle and high school to host Be Kind activities during lunch or resource. We also supply activity suggestions to the whole school district to implement during the week. SCRC's Youth Advisory Council students help make decisions for Be Kind Week and will be helping with activities in the community and at the middle and high school. 


SCRC also collaborates with Shippensburg Univeristy and the Wellness Program to encourage ShipU college students to Be Kind. The Wellness Center plans activities during the week with the SCRC interns to get college students involved in the initiative. 


The Shippensburg Borough redeclared Be Kind week to November 10th through 16th to incorporate National World Kindness Day that is scheduled for November 13th this year. The declaration encourages all Shippensburg residents to take the week to be kind to one another. 

See below for information on ways you can spread kindness in November such as #ShipBeKind Calendar, wearing #ShipBeKind shirt, and more! Below is info about our 2024 Be Kind events! There are different calendars as different schools, Shippensburg University (SU), Shippensburg Area Senior High School (SASHS), and Shippensburg Area Middle School (SAMS) are doing different events throughout the week The Community Calendar is for all of Shippensburg.

Be Kind Toolkit

#ShipBeKind Merch

We invite anyone with #ShipBeKind swag to wear their "be kind." clothing on National World Kindess Day (November 13th)! Check out different community members sporting their #ShipBeKind swag below. If you want to be featured in #ShipBeKind Swag Spotlights, please email or call (717) 477-1961 and leave a voicemail to learn how to make this happen. CLICK HERE to order YOUR "be kind." swag!

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SAMS Teen Leadership Club wearing #ShipBeKind swag in front of their kind window messages or "kindow" creations.

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Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition members showing off their #ShipBeKind swag before presenting to the SU Council of Trustees.

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SAMS counselors sporting their #ShipBeKind swag.

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SASHS Teen Leadership Club wearing #ShipBeKind swag in front of their kind window messages or "kindow" creations.

Submit #ShipBeKind Photo/Video

We also encourage you to decorate your own doors and windows at home to bring cheer to family, friends, and neighbors! If you are a business or agency in Shippensburg and would like to have your door or window decorated, please email or call (717) 477-1961 and leave a voicemail to learn how to make this happen.

If you are interested in being featured in #ShipBeKind publicity events including but not limited to the #ShipBeKind video pledge or #ShipBeKind Swag Spotlights, please email or call (717) 477-1961 and leave a voicemail to learn how to make this happen.


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